shift2rail-logoINNOWAG is the acronym for a new Shift2Rail project called: INNOvative monitoring and predictive maintenance solutions on lightweight WAGon.

The INNOWAG project, financed by the Shift2Rail initiative of the European Commission, had its kick off meeting in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK on the 15th and 16th November 2016. The objective of the project is to increase the rail freight competitive profile by developing the next generation of lightweight and intelligent freight wagons. To achieve this three essential Work Streams will be started:

  • Cargo condition monitoring;
  • Wagon design;
  • Predictive maintenance.

The project will integrate innovative technologies for cargo condition monitoring into a novel high performance lightweight freight wagon, with predictive maintenance models for increasing European rail freight sustainable competitiveness. The INNOWAG project will also aim to develop a rail freight service that fits the needs of modern manufacturing and supply chain requirements, which will contribute to increasing rail freight capacity through the wagon design and deadweight reduction. This will improve freight logistic capabilities by offering real time data on freight location and conditions, through the use of smart self-powered sensors and ICT technologies. It will increase RAMS and reduce LCC by implementing modern and innovative predictive maintenance analytics, models and procedures.

A qualifying part of the INNOWAG project development is the integration, correlation and exploitation of results into the other projects of the Shift2Rail members so that the emerging solutions are ready for exploitation into the marketplace.
The INNOWAG Consortium is Coordinated by Newcastle University, UK and composed of leading European companies, associations and universities engaged in the field of Research, Technology Innovation and testing, Advanced rail material production, Wagons maintainance, Rail operations and ICT Fleet management.

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