3.7.3 (17-01-2025) UTC timestamp in logfile names will be appended with a 'Z'. Bug fixes and improvements. 3.7.2 (12-12-2024) Support ProMove-V BLE and Inertia Gateway Stick. Allow to configure a fixed gyroscope bias for orientation algorithms. Option to add sample number to exported files. Bug fixes and improvements. 3.7.1 (07-09-2023) Add an orientation algorithm using Versatile Quaternion-based Filter. Windows executables and driver are signed with a new certificate. Bug fixes and improvements. 3.7.0 (07-04-2022) Improve ProMove-V and nexoDAQ support. For better synchronization between nexoDAQ, ProMove-mini and ProMove-V, ProMove timestamps now have a -5ms adjustment Redesigned firmware update dialog. Remove default column buttons from export file settings. Add an orientation algorithm using an Extended Kalman filter. Replaced orientation algorithm 'reduce yaw drift' option with Bias Estimation settings. Changed API for device addressing: - API now uses the addressingID instead of the nodeID. - Device information for an addressingID is available via GetDeviceInfo(). Bug fixes and improvements. 3.6.2 (11-07-2022) Support ProMove-V. Improve download speed on Windows. Add 'Export to ITLOG' format to (re)write or merge files. Use WebView2 Edge (when available) instead of IE for GNSS map. Show all connected devices in the Firmware dialog, allow to queue firmware updates. Better HiDPI support. Bug fixes and improvements. 3.6.1 (08-07-2021) Detect connected and disconnected devices on macOS. Improve download speed over USB on Windows. Bug fixes and improvements. 3.6.0 (01-04-2021) Improved support for ProMove-mini GPS/GNSS nodes (with firmware 0.14.0). Support nexoDAQ. Removed pause/resume of logfiles. Changed API to use wstring for better character support on Windows. Bug fixes and improvements. 3.5.5 (17-12-2020) Support ProMove-mini with FAT32 file system (firmware 0.13.0). Use UTC timestamp (in addition to local timestamp) in logfile names. Bug fixes and improvements. 3.5.4 (28-08-2020) Rename GPS to GNSS for future ProMove-mini options. Improve firmware update. Improve appearance on hi-dpi displays. Bug fixes and improvements. 3.5.3 (04-11-2019) Fix timing calculations of sensor nodes with GPS. Add a pressure field to the MAT output. Bug fixes and improvements. 3.5.2 (26-08-2019) List and connect to ProMove-mini with BLE (Windows 8+). Save custom plot layouts. Option to show GPS data with invalid fix. Improve creating and showing FFTs, and add option to average FFT data. Bug fixes and improvements. 3.5.1 (04-02-2019) Fix continuous transmission to ProMove-minis with firmware < 0.11.0. Improve performance of drawing GPS tracks. Fix initial quaternions in MAT output. Add reconnect and keep-alive options to advanced connection settings. Allow to modify orientation algorithm parameters. Bug fixes and improvements. 3.5.0 (20-12-2018) Support sorting files in download dialog. Add '_1' to first file when using 'Auto-Number'. Allow to select multiple files for fill-loss. Support exporting to Visual3D ascii format. Support Npcap in addition to WinPcap for Ethernet connections. Allow to disable offset correction of gyroscope (since firmware 0.11.0). Improve synchronization between PC logfiles and flash logfiles (since firmware 0.11.0). Redesigned SDK API. Bug fixes and improvements. 3.4.0 (17-08-2018) Show or hide plots in detailed status. Sensor calibration improvements. Fixed selecting last used port on startup. Add analysis functions to Replay dialog, allow to plot the entire log. Add support for macOS. Bug fixes and improvements. 3.3.2 (07-03-2018) Prevent system sleep (on Windows) when connected to a device. Order and hide nodes in the Tracker. Improved GPS/GNSS support. Bug fixes and improvements. 3.3.1 (16-10-2017) Fixed occasional slow download on Windows. Fixed incorrect GPS data in MAT file when all columns are enabled. Show a message when an Inertia Device is plugged in or out. Enable tracker and orientation algorithm with only accelerometer. Fixed corrupt file after downloading a file with 'Overwrite' option. Bug fixes and improvements. 3.3.0 (01-08-2017) Improved fill-loss and download performance. Add support for ProMove-mini with GPS. Log GPS samples to a separate file and show the GPS track on a map (view -> GPS Map). Add support for custom sampling rates (global, and per sensor). Option to split logfile based on size or duration. FFT Improvements. Bug fixes and improvements. 3.2.0 (27-01-2017) Ethernet support for Advanced Inertia Gateway. Needs winPcap to be installed (https://www.winpcap.org, also part of Wireshark). Hide Ethernet adapters via global preferences. Added new IMU algorithm to calculate orientation, based on algorithm by Roberto G. Valenti etal. Change via preferences. Improved connection names and ordering in connect-button menu. Export multiple files at once. Fixed FFT window functions, added option to disable subtracting DC signal. Bug fixes and improvements. 3.1.0 (05-12-2016) Export ITLOG file to MAT (MatLab) file. Show Fill-loss progress per node. Show units of measurement in CSV header. Removed setting number of ADC, IMA and IO columns, determine it based on sensor settings. Configure status settings of a node. Bug fixes and improvements. 3.0.0 (22-08-2016) Some user settings might be reset. New Inertia Technology Logfile (.itlog) file format used for logfiles: - Stores all relevant information and sensor data. - Can be exported to CSV, more formats are pending. - Supports filling in lost samples. - Logging directly to CSV still supported. Fill in Lost Samples: - New feature to automatically fill in all lost samples after an experiment is finished. - Requires firmware update of ProMove-mini. Logging: - Set a description when creating a logfile, added to header of CSV logfile. - Added RTC Settings to enable sampling of RTC (Unix timestamp) every sample or second. - Advanced gateway I/O events are added in separate columns in CSV logfile. Plot improvements: - Anti-aliasing (preference option). - Multi-threaded rendering (preference option). - Improved scale- and grid-lines. - Save plot as SVG via right-click menu. - Show gaps when samples are lost. - Not unnecessary cleared anymore (e.g. when changing preferences, layout, adding nodes, etc). - Logarithmic X-axis scale for FFT plots. Orientation algorithm improvements: - Moved settings to separate preferences tab. - Instantaneous initialization based on accelerometer (and compass if enabled). - set initial yaw angle via preferences (used if compass is disabled). - Dynamic high-pass gyroscope filter. - Removed accelerometer influence from yaw angle. - Option to reset the algorithm when the node is in rest. Tracker: - Use Anti-aliasing when rendering the models. - Option to show ground-plane axes. Added support for calibrating the accelerometer and compass. Added a column to the legend to show if a node is logging to flash. Added an option to add a description to the nodeID in the legend (via preferences, node). Added zoom and pan sliders and RTC buttons to the toolbox (enable via menu, view, toolbox). Improved wireless firmware update, reduced reprogramming time. Check for Updates now also checks if USB-Serial Driver is up to date. Bug fixes and improvements. 2.6.3 (08-04-2016) Improved orientation algorithm, instantaneous orientation after reset. Reduced orientation drift after movement (when compass is not used for calculation). 2.6.2 (09-03-2016) Improved orientation algorithm, reduced yaw drift. 2.6.1 (18-12-2015) Wireless firmware update. High DPI improvements. Plotting improvements, including: - Eliminated flickering. - Readable x-axis when zoomed in. - Sample loss is shown as gaps. - drag (paused) plots using right mouse button. - Disable auto-scaling of Y-axis per plot using right-click menu. - Different cursor for zooming and dragging. - Remember zoom area when moving outside a plot. Power down nodes using Inertia Studio (with ProMove-mini 0.10.2). Add firmware and software info to logfile (together with sensor settings). Bug fixes and improvements. 2.6.0 (13-10-2015) Configure I/O functionality of Advanced Inertia Gateway. Change multiple configurations before applying. Removed glut*.dll dependency. Dont recalculate orientations when replaying a logfile. Add Euler angles (roll, pitch, yaw) to logfile. Bug fixes and improvements. 2.5.0 (06-07-2015) Initial support for Advanced Inertia Gateway with I/O functionality. Option to add I/O buttons to the toolbar. More timestamp and synchronization improvements (with firmware 0.9.0). Use a queue to download multiple flash files at once. Added '%c' option to put creation date in flash file name. Option to add the used sensor settings to the beginning of a log/flashfile. Smooth auto-scaling of plots, and improved grid-lines and axis labels. Lock minimum and maximum of axes separately. Logarithmic FFT plots are in dB. FFT plots are updated more frequently by using a sliding window to calculate the FFT. For FFT calculations, lost samples are filled in with the last received sample. Bug fixes and stability improvements. 2.4.1 (07-05-2015) Fixed plot glitches. Improved timestamp and lost samples calculation. Limit the sampling rate of a node to its maximum rate. Support for new Inertia Gateway. Bug fixes and stability improvements. 2.4.0 (23-04-2015) Re-enabled changing number of nodes. Show countdown when automatically storing sensor configuration. Improved timestamp and lost samples calculation. Bug fixes, stability and performance improvements. 2.3.2 (08-04-2015) Disabled changing number of nodes (temporarily). Added ability to queue downloads. 2.3.1 (24-03-2015) Improved timestamp and lost samples calculation. Select hardware acceleration method if more than one available. Improvements to firmware update and download dialogs. 2.3.0 (06-03-2015) Replay a log file. Show creation date of flash logs. Improvements to checking for updates. Use %d to put the flash-file number in the destination name when downloading. Bug fixes, stability and performance improvements. Open and close serial port asynchronously. Added 64bit build and launcher application. Option to add sensor configurations to beginning of log file. Option to automatically store sensor configurations permanently on device. 2.2.0 (10-12-2014) Added support for Temperature samples. Show maximum supported number of nodes. Show correct tracker orientation and rotation for ProMove-3D and ProMove-mini. Bug fixes, stability and performance improvements. 2.1.2 (07-11-2014) Indicate available ports in the connect dialog with a green dot. Sort the legend on each column. Changed method of selecting columns in a log file. Start and stop flash logging simultaneously with logging to file. Check of nodes are logging to flash when connecting. 2.1.1 (15-10-2014) Toggle plotting of specific nodes via toolbar. Redesigned capture (log to file / flash) dialog. Bug fixes, stability and performance improvements. Store configuration on node directly from sensor settings dialog. Added reset to factory defaults option in firmware update. 2.1.0 (29-09-2014) Support for ProMove-mini. Detect USB device model and use it as port name. Detect Bluetooth device name and use it as port name. Show a 3D-model of the ProMove-mini or custom model in the tracker. Show RSSI/Bluetooth/USB icon in legend based on connection method. Added support for firmware updates. Added check for updates functionality. Added hardware acceleration for plotting graphs. Bug fixes, stability and performance improvements. 2.0.5 (13-06-2014) Timed logging to file and flash. Customize the columns in a log file. Bug fixes, stability and performance improvements. 2.0.4 (17-04-2014) Indicate which ports are opened in the drop-down menu from the toolbar and in the capture window. Lock the x-axis via right-click on plot, show locked symbol on plot axis (only FFT). Added option to toggle fullscreen. Added option to change the icon size in the legend. Show status messages when battery is almost empty, empty and charged. Use an infobar for warning and error messages. when starting a flashlog, show which sensors are enabled. Bug fixes, stability and performance improvements. 2.0.3 (06-03-2014) Added option to show FFTs with logarithmic scale. Bug fixes. 2.0.2 (18-02-2014) Redesigned status log. Lock the y-axis via right-click on plot, show locked symbol on plot axis. Calculate FFTs asynchronously and added FFT windowing functions. Copy lines from status log to clipboard by right-click menu. 2.0.1 (23-01-2014) Added option to create logfile with current date and time in the filename. Added option to toggle x and y grid-lines in plots. Added support for IMA, Status, ADC, Correlation samples and configurations. Reduced CPU usage of plotting. Added status dialog with detailed graphs of the RSSI, battery and temperature values. Added option to hide the toolbar. Bug fixes, stability and performance improvements. 2.0.0 (05-12-2013) Renamed from InertiaGUI to InertiaStudio. Redesigned sensor settings, preferences and import dialogs. Added toolbar. Support for V-Mon 4000. Added wizard for screen layout. Detect and show device name of serial ports. Bug fixes, stability and performance improvements.