Advanced Inertia Gateway, the new product of Inertia Technology, provides the option of synchronization with external systems, such as cameras.

Compared with Basic Inertia Gateway, the new product adds the following options: Ethernet interface, DC power input and two BNC I/O ports for synchronization with external systems. The synchronization accuracy remains below 100 ns.


Inertia Technology Advanced Gateway

Inertia Gateway is the central hub in the wireless network of Inertia sensor nodes. It receives the sampled data from the sensor nodes and transmits it to the computer using the USB or optionally the Ethernet interface. Inertia Gateway also manages the time synchronization, achieving a network-wide synchronization accuracy of less than 100 ns.

Inertia Gateway comes in two versions:

  • Basic Inertia Gateway, providing USB connection.
  • Advanced Inertia Gateway, providing USB connection, Ethernet interface, DC power input and BNC I/O ports for synchronization with external systems, such as cameras.

Using Inertia Studio, the I/O ports of the Advanced Inertia Gateway can be configured either as Start Trigger or as Sampling Clock, in order to synchronize with external systems.