Equine gait analysis with Equi-Pro®
Use case for Equi-Pro, ProMove-V
With Equi-Pro®, an accurate measurement of the main parameters of the horse's movement can be obtained, including upper-body symmetry and limb-related parameters. In the standard Equi-Pro configuration, 7 wireless ProMove-V sensor nodes are used: three sensors on the upper body [...]
Indoor Positioning System for Firefighters
Use case for ProMove MINI
During a rescue, firefighters need to navigate through dangerous environments with potentially very limited visibility due to smoke. Satellite-based position technology (GNSS) allows rescue workers to operate efficiently in many outdoor emergency scenarios, but indoors the GNSS signals penetrate insufficiently, making localization inaccurate, unreliable or in most cases completely [...]
Monitoring fans in the annealing furnaces at Tata Steel
Use case for nexoDAQ
As part of the FieldLab Smart Maintenance project, our nexoDAQ system is deployed in the factory at Tata Steel and measures continuously the condition of the fans located inside the annealing furnaces. nexoDAQ is our next generation high-performance wireless data acquisition module, replacing the V [...]
Wireless Equine Gait Analysis
Use case for Equi-Pro, ProMove-V
Visit Equi-Pro® for more information about the product. Every horse has its own natural movement characteristics, such as stride duration, speed and stride length. Traditionally, scientists had been able to evaluate the movement of horses visually. But the human eye is only capable of registering [...]
WiBRATE: Wireless Monitoring System for Early Detection of Mechanical Damages
Use case for V-Mon 4000
Vibrations constitute an indispensable parameter of modern condition monitoring systems for mechanical machinery and structures. The most important motivations that justify the spread use of vibration monitoring are safety, maintenance optimization and operations. Vibration sensors are included in almost all the protection systems that aim to stop the machines when [...]