The PHOENIX E! 9356 Eurostars project project goal is to instrument the factory objects with intelligent wireless sensors and transform them into smart networked objects, which detect and self-protect from failures.
The PHOENIX system will be a kit with several wireless sensors (pluggable to molds or machinery) and a base gateway connecting to the factory infrastructure. The development is based on already existing elements, such as sensors, low-power wireless, embedded systems etc. The huge advance performed in these fields in recent years makes it possible to create an integrated, cost-effective and high-quality solution. The PHOENIX consortium has extensive expertise in developing hardware beyond state of the art.
However, despite the fact that the hardware “ingredients” for building such a solution already exists, the way to mix and integrate them in a working system requires a major step beyond state of the art and a high degree of innovation. By embedding the intelligence and self-assessment into the factory objects, a significant reduction of costs with defected tools, parts and re-machining – estimated at 10% of the factory annual turnover – is possible, while at the same time improving the overall productivity and quality of the production process.
The PHOENIX system will be promoted as a cost-effective and complete solution, simple to install and operate, compared to existing/competing systems, which are incomplete and often both expensive and complex, thus likely unaffordable for installations at scale and for SMEs.