The 2nd module of the The Equine Gait Analysis Society (EGAS) course 2024 took place last weekend at Tierklinik Lüsche.
During the practical sessions, the participants had the opportunity to discuss the Equi-Pro data in the context of single-limb lameness exams with our researcher Jeanne Parmentier.
How to ensure high-quality data collection? Which parameters are presented in Equi-Pro? How to interpret MinDiff/MaxDiff values? How can the withers data help discriminate between primary fore or primary hind limb asymmetries? These topics were covered during the small group sessions.
Participants could also get hands-on experience and try the system on their own, as well as discuss application cases outside of lameness exams, such as race or endurance or race horse training sessions monitoring.
Looking forward to module III taking place at the Sporthorse Medical Diagnostic Centre!
📷: Many thanks to Diana Landskron.