AWISE project in “Aandrijven en Besturen” Dutch magazine

May 26, 2020
The Dutch "Aandrijven en Besturen" (Drive & Control) magazine published an article about the AWISE project and the role of Inertia Technology in the development of autonomous wireless sensor for aircraft condition monitoring.    The project ran in collaboration with Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR) and developed a [...]

Shift2Rail conference and INNOWAG project completion

June 20, 2019
On June 17th 2019, the final event of the INNOWAG H2020 project took place in Munich. Inertia Technology presented the final results of the Bluetooth-based prototype for cargo monitoring. This was a notable achievement, as it shows the feasibility of continuous monitoring of goods from inside a container or [...]

Impressions from the Opening of Fieldlab Smart Maintenance

June 20, 2019
The Opening of the Fieldlab Smart Maintenance on June 13th 2019 was a great opportunity for people working in smart maintenance to meet and discuss future steps of collaboration. During the pitches, each project partner presented its main interest and ambition to be achieved in the next couple of years [...]

Visit Us at the Opening of Fieldlab Smart Maintenance

June 11, 2019
On Thursday, June 13th 2019, Fieldlab Smart Maintenance will be officially opened within Tata Steel Academy. Fieldlab Smart Maintenance is the pilot plant for smart maintenance in the manufacturing industry. In the Field Lab we simulate processes from factories, we test sensors and we convert sensor and installation data into [...]

ICP4Life project successfully completed

January 31, 2019
The final meeting took place in Turin, Italy, at the premises of Prima Power on January 29th, 2019. The Machine Health Monitoring and Machine Performance Optimization services, which are among the most extensive services developed in ICP4Life, were demonstrated live at the Prima factory during the meeting. The ProMove-mini [...]

Inertia Studio 3.5.0 can export to Visual3D ASCII format

January 18, 2019
The newly released Inertia Studio 3.5.0 supports now the following formats for exporting data:     CSV (comma separated values) text files,   MAT binary format used by MATLAB software,   Visual 3D ASCII format, used by biomechanics analysis tool for measuring movement and [...]

Watch a video of 120 ProMove-mini wireless sensor nodes blinking in sync

November 2, 2018
We show in the video below a network of 120 ProMove-mini wireless sensor nodes and two Advanced Inertia Gateways. Each of the two gateways receives data from and handles the synchronization of 60 ProMove-mini sensor nodes sampling at 100 Hz. The clocks of the two gateways are synchronized [...]

Battery upgrade for ProMove-mini

October 22, 2018
ProMove-mini sensor nodes are now equipped with an industrial battery that lasts about 7 hours in full streaming mode. This is two times longer than before. For ProMove-mini nodes equipped with GPS, the battery lifetime is now also increased to 3.5 hours [...]

nexoDAQ at ISMA 2018

September 21, 2018
nexoDAQ was successfully showcased during the International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA 2018), at the exhibition stand of Inertia Technology. nexoDAQ is our newest wireless data acquisition platform designed for many different applications, ranging from high-speed measurements to low-power monitoring. It is modular, versatile and highly [...]

Inertia will launch the nexoDAQ wireless system at ISMA 2018

June 27, 2018
nexoDAQ is a new high-end product that will replace V-Mon 4000, providing superior performance in all aspects. nexoDAQ is a highly synchronized wireless DAQ, with three 24Bits simultaneous sampled inputs and five highly configurable interface modes: IEPE/ICP®, charge mode, low voltage differential and single-ended signals, high [...]